A gift basket is a perfect item in a charity auction because it has something for everyone. These baskets are easily put together and can be customised to fit any budget. You can put together a gift basket with items related or unrelated to each other, but the key is to make sure that the items are things people will want.
Are you looking for a few popular raffle gift baskets that will draw bids at your next charity auction? If so, look no further! We have gathered some of the most sought-after gift baskets in today's market and put them all in one place just for you.
Keep reading to learn more about these fantastic fundraising ideas.
Here are some ideas for items to include in gift baskets that will 100% guarantee bids in your
next charity fundraising:
Wine and cheese baskets make great gifts for several reasons. Firstly, they are relatively inexpensive items that can still provide a lot of enjoyment. Secondly, they are classic gift items that are always appreciated. Thirdly, they are perfect for various occasions, from casual get-togethers to more formal events and fundraising.
Wine and cheese baskets typically have a high resale value, so they are a great way to support your favourite charity auction whilst also getting a good return on your investment.
Chocolates and fruits are two of the most popular food items in the world, and they also make excellent raffle gift basket items for any charity auction. Chocolate is a universally loved indulgence and can be easily sourced from local supermarkets or online retailers. On the other hand, fruit is a crowd-pleaser, providing a healthy alternative to sugary snacks.
Chocolates and fruits are affordable, making them accessible to many donors. Moreover, they are easy to transport and store, so you do not need to worry about logistics. They are also sure to generate excitement among attendees, which will help to drive up bids.
Who doesn't love a spa day? Think about the relaxing massages, soothing facials and mani/pedi. Spa days make great raffle gift baskets for charity fundraising.
When selecting a spa day package for a charity auction, consider the needs of the attendees. A package with a local pool or beach pass would be trendy if the event were held in the middle of summer. If the event would be held in a colder climate, a package with access to a sauna or steam room would be appreciated.
Movie tickets and snacks are items that everyone can use and enjoy. Movie tickets can be used for a date night, a family outing or a night out with friends. Meanwhile, snacks are always welcome, whether at the movies or just at home relaxing on the couch.
Movie tickets and snacks are relatively inexpensive items, so you can get a lot of bang for your buck when you include them in your raffle baskets. Whilst they are both fun and practical things, they are sure to be popular with charity auction attendees.
Restaurant gift certificates also make great gift basket items for charity auctions. They are easy to acquire, and people always look for a good meal. Most often, restaurant gift certificates can be bought in bulk at a discounted rate, which makes them an affordable option for those wanting to donate to a worthy cause. In addition, they provide the donor with a tax deduction and the recipient with a free meal, making them a win-win for all involved.
Perhaps most important, though, is that restaurant gift certificates make people happy. When people are happy, they tend to open their wallets and bid generously on auction items, which is exactly what you want if you are trying to raise money for charity.
So, how do you make sure that your raffle gift baskets will draw in bids? Aside from the suggested items, here are a few more tips:
Choose something that will appeal to a wide range of people. For example, if you raise money for a new school playground, you could do a ‘Family Fun’ basket with items like passes to the local pool, family-friendly movies and restaurant gift certificates.
Use colour and texture to make your basket stand out from the rest. Include some fun items that will catch people's eyes.
The more valuable your basket is, the more likely people will bid on it. Fill it with items that people will use and enjoy. Gift certificates to local businesses are always popular, as are baskets filled with goodies like gourmet food, wine or chocolate.
The sky's the limit when filling your basket! Be creative and have fun! Instead of just a ‘general basket, get creative with themes that catch people's attention. For example, you could have a basket full of spa items or one filled with local wine and gourmet cheese. If you put thought into it, you can develop a theme that will be perfect for your fundraiser.
By following these tips, you can be sure your raffle baskets will be a big hit with the guests at your next fundraiser.
If you are looking for a unique and profitable fundraising idea, consider raffle gift baskets. Not only are they fun to put together, but they also guarantee bids from donors eager to win a prize. To ensure your auction is a success, follow these tips: choose the right items, get creative with packaging and make it valuable
If you need help getting started or want someone else to manage your auction, Charity Auctioneer can help you. We have over 20 years of combined fundraising experience putting on successful charity auctions and would be happy to help you out. Our experienced auctioneers have raised millions of dollars for charities over many years and can assist with achieving the best possible results for your charity fundraising events.
For more details about our services, contact us today.
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